Equipping clients to operate successfully in cross-cultural contexts worldwide.


Custom-designed solutions for public and private sector clients working in cross-cultural contexts worldwide. We don't do "one size fits all." We create what you need and deliver it on-site, wherever you are around the globe.


Orion Global's multicultural and multilingual team equips our clients with the practical skills and culturally-specific knowledge necessary to facilitate respectful and effective social and business interactions across cultures. Whether you are heading to the Middle East for a short business trip, expanding a humanitarian program into Central Asia, or preparing to relocate your family abroad for several years, we prepare and empower you to more effectively carry out your mission safely and successfully.


No two contexts in the field are ever the same, and our training courses reflect that reality. Our instructors have a broad range of experience, including foreign service, humanitarian aid, special operations and intelligence backgrounds, and are uniquely qualified to understand and assist you. Our primary goal is to help our clients feel confident in their abilities to handle new and unfamiliar, and high-stress situations anywhere in the world. Our aim is to make you self-reliant – secure in your own knowledge and competencies, and not entirely dependent on outside assistance.


If you are considering an internationally-oriented career there is no better way to test the waters than a full-blown immersion experience, and we are confident that ours will exceed your expectations. We will guide you into the world of cross-cultural work with practical, real-world exercises designed to take you out of your comfort zone and challenge your belief-system. This is hands-on training in real-time, on the streets of the Arab world's capital cities.


We provide teaching on Islam, international affairs, doing business in the Middle East, and global humanitarian aid responses and issues to civic groups, government agencies, business leaders, faith-based and nongovernmental organizations, and high school and college students. We are professional educators with subject matter expertise appropriate to your needs, and offer on-location or remote options for groups and teams, or individuals.


If you are looking to expand your operations into new foreign markets, it is key that you gain an understanding of the people and culture of those amongst whom you will be living and working. Our consulting and advising services for entities considering expansion into the Middle East and North Africa region extend far beyond generic write-ups and powerpoint presentations in your organization's boardroom. We help you explore and asses expansion into new foreign markets through custom-designed, fully guided, exploratory trips.


We conduct research and due diligence on prospective grantees in the Middle East and North Africa region for U.S.-based philanthropists and grant-making foundations, specifically those interested in funding and partnering with small, locally-led community-based organizations that generally do not get the attention of most Western donors. Our decades of experience in the international humanitarian sector coupled with our knowledge and understanding of the local languages and cultures enables us to provide highly effective and personalized philanthropic advising.

Real-world experience, to inspire and guide.

Orion Global team members each bring a unique set of experiences and lessons learned from having spent our entire adult lives in careers focused on making the world a safer, more just, and more peaceful place. Our expertise does not come from behind a desk or in a classroom, but through decades of real-world experience operating in urban slums and refugee camps, political hotspots, and conflict zones worldwide. We understand deeply and viscerally the challenges faced in these contexts and are 100% confident in our ability to help others overcome and thrive. Our multilingual, multicultural team is comprised of humanitarian aid workers, former diplomats, decorated US Military and Intelligence Community veterans, and others. This holistic make-up uniquely qualifies us to assist in planning and preparation as well as the resolution of emergent situations in ways very few others can.


J.D. Pitts

J.D. Pitts

Founder & Principal Advisor

J.D. Pitts is Founder and Principal Advisor for Orion Global Advisory, a firm specializing in equipping clients to operate successfully in cross-cultural contexts worldwide. Prior to founding Orion Global, J.D. lived for 15 years in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Sudan, Yemen, and Mauritania. While there, his professional experience included both the education and business sectors, as well as over a decade of deep involvement in humanitarian work ranging from small, grassroots operations to large-scale, UN-managed operations.

J.D. has academic degrees in Arab and Islamic studies, is proficient in multiple dialects of Arabic, and has successfully been advising and training expatriates relocating to and working in the Middle East and North Africa region since the early 2000s. J.D.'s diversified work experience across multiple sectors, intimate knowledge and deep understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, and proven track record of overcoming the challenges of living in a new country and culture in order to thrive professionally and personally uniquely qualify him to advise and train in ways very few others can.

Originally from Northeast Tennessee, J.D. is equally happy and at home in large Middle Eastern capitals, small town Appalachia, and the Pacific Northwest where he currently resides.


Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

+1 910.742.0163
